Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My favorite Occultist.

     I was sitting down earlier watching daytime TV and it dawned on me in the middle of the episode. My favorite Occultist is... MacGyver!

     Yes I said it.... MacGyver. Just hear me out now - I know he may not officially be deemed an "Occultist", but in my eyes he's got the qualities of a great one - at the very least an under the radar embodiment of an archetype we can all look up to. Allow me to explain :

     MacGyver ... - "MY GIVER" - is the coolest, most righteous, selfless, grounded, amazing dude. The show captivated millions of people...Yet he's not anything like what we identify with "popular" culture. He's an icon, a very rare type of person. In the show he is a true explorer, a self motivated learner / seeker of knowledge, a do-gooder, has an aversion to Drugs, Alcohol, Guns, and Violence - and IS vegetarian if I'm not mistaken.
     He works for the "Pheonix corporation" - for those who don't know the story of the Pheonix - the Phenoix rises from the ashes - from the despair, hopelessness, tragedy, sickness, etc is transformed and becomes a symbol of redemption, new beginnings, new life.    
     Furthermore - he has a PASSING knowledge of Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, etc... He is a true magician - making the MOST of his surroundings. He is a lover of the arts, music, and is passionate about taking care of the environment.
     His relationships with people are ALWAYS genuine and he cares deeply about the GOOD people around him. His romantic relationships are fleeting, yet always end on a positive note. Any girl he's with happens to be there for the right time and the right reasons, and he always manages to remain friends with them afterwards.
     He is not afraid to fight malevolence with the same amount of INTENSITY as his opposition, whatever they bring to the table in evilness, he bring with goodness. He never does any "needless" damage to his enemy.. He makes sure they learn their lesson - no more, no less.
    He lives in very luxurious / yet transient housing. A house boat if I'm not mistaken. He has enough money to get very awesome things to suit his lifestyle, yet "how" he gets his money is very vague and mostly left out. We notice he never gets "paid" for any of his work, material things just sort of "come" to him.
     MacGyver's hair style - the "mullet" - is an ancient symbol of wisdom and prosperity - knowing how to blend in and be one with society "business in the front", yet knowing everyone needs a break now and then and cutting loose is ok "party in the back"...
      - OOOK I made that last part up... idk what his mullet means...
     but In short - MacGyver is awesome. - A truly awesome dude... quite possibly America's first "accidental" TV star Occultist, and a guy who I think is totally sweet.

Thanks for reading! : )



All about pharmacy

     I've been waiting a long time to write this blog - Today's edition of what's on my mind is all about ... Working in Pharmacy! Hope you enjoy -

     So I used to work in a Pharmacy back in 2013-2014. I worked there for a little over a year. During the span of my time I had the experience of working all different shifts, all days of the week, all of the "stations", all of the holidays / peak / slow seasons etc... and gathered a decent amount of knowledge concerning the career. Here are some things I've wanted to say / get off my chest for a long time... I won't include any names or specific incidences that could lead to any repercussions for anyone I used to work with or the Pharmacy I used to work in - and please excuse any harsh language..

     When I think about it, generally speaking I truly loved that job. I loved the people I worked with and I loved a lot of the customers I saw on a daily basis. I love the fact that I could go to that job and feel smart. There are a lot of on the spot calculations and math type problems that need to be solved regularly and it was great to know that I had the ability to do that. I enjoyed getting to look hot and professional in a tie and business pants. I liked the music for the most part, my coworkers were always a lot of fun and we always had the best conversations. It felt great being part of a team and knowing I had their back and they had mine. If any of my old coworkers happen to read this - kudos to you - I mean it. You really made me feel awesome and I'm glad to have worked with you. I've never laughed as much or felt liked / appreciated as much as I did when I was there. This is for you guys -  

     That being said - There ARE a few things I'd like to add... I am not happy about how Pharmacy personnel get treated by some people. It's not our fault your insurance company has some policies you don't like. It's not our problem you decided to go to the pharmacy on a weekday at 4:30 and not expect to have to wait long. If you called 12 times to find out if you can get your script filled today but you can't until 2 days from now - calling a 13th time and speaking to someone different won't make any difference. Common sense people - Respect is earned where respect is given. Time after time after time it never fails - the people who are courteous and work WITH the staff are ALWAYS the ones that end up having the best results. The people who come in and complain, belittle, yell, call names (yes I've been called names before), dismiss all the training and hard work we put in to getting certified, completely disregard the fact that we're trying to stay as nice and professional as we can for you are the ones who seem to always have problems and generally stay miserable... and for those people I just have one thing to say. I can say this cause I do not work in pharmacy anymore -  Fuck. you. Fuck your medical condition, fuck your insurance dilemma, fuck your personal finance issues, fuck your "I only have 15 minutes can you clear up this prior auth. and fill these 6 scripts for me", fuck your "the doctor said it'd be ready by the time I got here",... fuck your mom - and fuck your sister...


   ...Now that may seem a little harsh and I'm sorry to any sensitive readers... but believe me, If not those exact thoughts, something quite similar goes through the minds of pharmacy techs / cashiers on a fairly regular basis. One thing I'm thankful for is that Pharmacy makes you learn to grow a thick skin. You gotta be tough to work in Pharmacy!
     You are dealing with Doctors, patients of all different walks of life, Pharmacists, various medical offices, Nursing homes ( ; ) ), Insurance companies, Dozens of drugs that look alike / sound alike, answering phones, working on computers, entering data, all while trying to push sales and appear friendly and courteous. Not to mention you're being timed - You have to go as fast as you can. You're bound to and WILL get into tiffs with people at some point, whether it be with other staff or with someone else. That helps you learn how to separate work stuff from personal stuff, and it also helps you learn to not take things personally. Which is a GREAT skill to have...
     I feel that only people who work in Pharmacy will understand other people who work in Pharmacy. It's a one of a kind job and there is never a dull moment. It requires the best of you. Training is tough... there is a LOT to it and getting up to speed with what is required to make a decent tech is a long (and occasionally painful) process. There is always something new to learn (I remember I was still taking notes and writing down steps to solve different issues when I was getting ready to leave.)
     BUT - once you make that jump and become a member of the team you become something truly awesome. After you put in the hard work, learn what you need to, gain the ability to maintain composure with customers, etc. you're worth your weight in gold. You become more of a member of a family than an employee. You're on a team that goes through EVERYTHING together. You'll find yourself caring about the people you work with, and you'll find yourself being cared for by the people you work with. It's a real trip and in my opinion a very respectable job to have in life.

Stay tuned for more blogs!



Sunday, May 10, 2015

NEW SITE / Updates / Etc..

Hello to everyone who has been following my "Blogs" -

     I have decided to switch Blog services because is just the crappiest, worst technical difficulty, piece of trash site on the internet. I'm sorry but when I get inspired and I want to write - I can't have mediocre shit headed bozos running the show. Sorry for the vent... Anyway I hope to switch without much difficulty...

    Thank you to all who have read my thoughts thus far... and for any new comers please know that this is a site / venue for me to write certain things down for your entertainment and for my own way of processing things. I feel that writing can be very rewarding. Please excuse any grammatical or punctuation errors...

     I may or may not transfer all of my writing from over to blogger I haven't decided... Right now I'm in the middle of the transition.

Please keep reading and I appreciate any comments -

Seeya soon,

- T.J.